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Edinburgh Castle, A historic Fortress In Scotland
Edinburgh Castle overlooks the old town of Edinburgh, Scotland from Castle Rock. Edinburgh is on the east coast of Scotland and is the capital...
Lake Tahoe, One of The Deepest Lake In United States
Lake Tahoe is located on the biggest plateau in North of America area. The depth is 501 meters and Lake Tahoe is the deepest...
Packing Essentials for Traveling
Packing properly for a trip is more important than some people would think. While I used to be one of those last minute packers...
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The Guide to Eating in Colombia
Along the northwest coast of South America is the beautiful country of Colombia, which is has a diverse array of amazing foods. Coming across...
Cancun: Expert advice on what to do and see
Cancun is a beautiful Mexican city, you've probably heard about it before. It is very famous for its white sand beaches and roaring nightlife,...
How to Travel Cambodia in a Week
Cambodia is a country that has been shrouded in turmoil and unrest for decades. The country and the Cambodian people have suffered immensely, especially...