Have you heard of Etretat, France? Even if you’re not familiar with the name, chances are you’ve seen photographs of the Etretat coastline. One of the unique photos shows a tiny islet with a tall pointed castle tower, or some might call it a ship’s sails. Then to its direct right is a looped arch of rock. This is Etretat, France, a seaside resort town.
Where is Etretat?
Etretat is located about halfway along the Normandy coastline. It may be a bit of a detour to get here, particularly if you have been focussing on Paris for part of your trip. But it’s well worth spending at least a few days here.
Etretat can be a tricky name to pronounce, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll always remember. Say “E-treh-tah” The letter “t” in French is often not pronounced if it’s at the end of a word. Officially, it’s spelled Étretat but doesn’t need the acute symbol on the letter E, for simplification.
This location is a called a commune in France but is basically what we call a municipality or town. It’s located on the northwestern coastline of France, in a region called Pays de Caux. It’s located about 32 kilometers northeast of Le Havre, Etretat is also 200 kilometers from Paris so that you can add it to your sightseeing itinerary. You can find Etretat at the junction of the D940, D11, and D139 Roads.
The Geography of Etretat
Etretat is well-known for its steep and tall white chalk cliffs. The notably pointed formation mentioned above is called “L’Aiguille”, which means needle in French. It raises to over 70 meters in height. There is also the Etretat Chalk Complex which is an arch. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 meters.
The geography of Etretat has attracted many artists in the past. They have visited here for inspiration in their drawings, paintings, and art. Claude Monet, Gustave Courbet, and Eugene Boudin have all used the landscape of Etretat for inspiration.
Parts of the two largest arches can be seen from far away in town and at Portes d’Aval and d’Amont. The third largest arch can only be seen when one is closer to the cliffs. These structures are called the Falaises d’Etretat.
You’ll want to find the best location along the coastline so you can take in the breathtaking panorama of this region.
The houses are neatly lined up, much like a Fisher-Price toy town would be. Many of the homes are covered with picturesque carvings from the 19th century, featuring heads and figures.
While you won’t find any theme parks here, and there is only one lone museum, it’s the perfect destination. It’s beautiful and tranquil, and will offer an opportunity for you to get to relax, rather than complain about theme park admissions or you are charged up the credit card from Paris shopping!
There are still many hotels to stay at, and restaurants to eat delicious meals. And there is plenty to see and do outdoors.
With that said, let’s look at the WHERE’s that you can see while in Etretat:
The Town
Honestly, the town of Etretat is a great tourist destination as well as the famous beach. While you won’t find towering skyscrapers, large condominium hotels, or thumping, active clubs all along the beach front like you would in Miami, or Hawaii or other places, what you’ll find is a town that’s almost stuck in time. The buildings evoking a sense of classical charm from the medieval era with its large timber-framed buildings, relaxing café’s that line the ancient cobblestone-like streets, and various small bits of greenery in small parks or gardens. Not only that, but the smell of French food wafting through the air gives it all a sense of wonderment as if you’ve slipped into another time or another era.
The Coastline
This is pretty obvious. While the town is amazing, and picturesque, most people go to Etretat to see the Sea, and we’ve done a lot of talking about the beach itself already! Of course, there’s a reason why; it’s beautiful. The grass that leads up to the beach is soft, spongy, and extremely comfortable to walk on, often wet with the spray from the sea. The view of the iconic chalk white cliffs that accentuate the beach itself give it its famous view, and the sand itself looks alive with glittering edges – a natural trait since the sand itself looks a little pebbly in some places, but is still soft to walk and sit on.

The Cliffs
What’s there to say about the cliffs of Etretat? Quite a bit actually, especially since, as mentioned, these cliffs have inspired artists, filmmakers, photographers, and writers for centuries. All of whom have come to look and admire the white cliffs that overlook the ocean, especially as they shine brightly in the morning sun.

Not only are they beautiful to behold, but you can even walk along them to get an even more spectacular view of the ocean and beach as well. Be sure to lace up your hiking boots, bring your camera, phone, and sunscreen because it’s a long hike that’s breathtaking every step of the way.

The Gardens
It was mentioned that there are various gardens in Etretat, and one such garden that’s earned itself a bit of fame is one titled “Les Jardins d’Etretat”, or simply “The Gardens of Etretat” in English. This garden is famous for being a large, public avant-garde experimental garden full of contemporary modern art. Think of it as a mix between an art gallery, and park, and you sort of get the idea of what you’re in for. Not only that, but ticket prices to get in are relatively cheap, and most of the funds are used for upkeep and maintenance. If you like art, French atmosphere, relaxing walks, then this place is definitely for you.

Chapelle Notre dame de la Garde
Essentially, this is a pathway that leads up to a nice vista point. At the top is an old church that’s been dated to having been constructed in the medieval era, and is currently renovated into a workspace for artwork, and more. Not only is the path that leads up to the vista a slow, narrow, and steep pathway, but it’s lined with a lot of space for people looking for an evening picnicking. Plus, with its proximity close to the beach, you get all of that nice smelling ocean breeze blowing on you with being a decent distance away from any seagulls eying a quick snack with whatever food you have with you.
Go for the picnic and the view, stay for the Church and artwork.

Le Clos Arsene Lupin
Basically, this is a small specialty museum that’s been called “Charming” by many visitors to the museum. It’s a vine-covered cottage that rests outside of the town of Etretat and used to belong to Author/Artist Maurice Leblanc, who is said to haunt the cottage still. Guided tours will lead you around, showcasing Leblanc’s entire multitude of works, as well as discuss his life and the history of the property itself. Often to the accompaniment of audio guides that can tell you exactly what you need to know in several different languages.
If you’re planning on staying in Etretat for any length of time, then a day tour of Le Close Arsene Lupin is a perfect mid-week adventure.

Monument Nungesser et Coli
Honestly, there’s not really much to say about this monument other than it’s a really beautiful location, with plenty of space to relax, sit, and enjoy the view.

Casino JOA Etretat
During the day, visitors to Etretat can enjoy a multitude of sights and sounds, as well as hit the beach and have a lot of fun. At night though? Your options are a little bit more limited, considering that Etretat isn’t exactly known for having a wild nightlife. However, the Casino JOA is one such place that nighttime tourists can enjoy. Part home, part restaurant, and part casino, you can certainly have plenty of fun here hitting slot machines, electronic betting machines, and grabbing a bite to eat all to a selection of entertaining music and neon lights.
Eglise Notre Dame de l’Assomption
A beautiful church that’s made with both Roman, and Gothic, architectural designs incorporated into it. Not only is it a beautiful building to behold, but it also has a beautiful working clock atop the front of the main section of the church.
Picturesque is often the first thing that comes to mind when looking at this church. Just make sure of the times that it’ll be open though! Because the pathway up to it takes over a hundred steps since it overlooks a cliff top and it would be a shame if visitors approaching the church are turned away because of the late hours.

Le Vieux Marche
This is an open market that specializes in having some small, unique stores opened for tourists to buy specialty items. Don’t be fooled by its older look though, as it does have a multitude of modern conveniences inside, with each store specializing in something different for tourists that are all reasonably priced. Food, wine, art, clothing, and more line the stalls, ready to be looked over by those who want something to remember their trip to Etretat.
Espace Art Contemporain
What makes this beautiful contemporary art gallery so magnificent is its location. It has a splendid panoramic view of the ocean and cliff sides of Etretat, as well as constantly being filled with art from various different local artists that line the walls of the museum. If you’re the sort that loves French art, French culture, and the sights of the Etretat cliff sides, then this museum is perfect for you to get lost in for a few hours at a time.
So, what do you need to bring with you to such a beautiful location? Quite a bit really, especially if you want the full experience of what this gorgeous locale can bring! While Etretat does boast a gorgeous beach, with chalk white cliff sides that you can spend hours – if not – days exploring and traversing, there are quite a lot of other things that are there for intrepid explorers and vacationers.
That is, as long as you know what to bring, and where to look.
For starters, let’s talk about the things that you SHOULD bring with you first before we delve into the WHERE you should go.
The beautiful thing about Etretat’s beach is that it’s a very warm place to be during the summer months. While it’s certainly no Bahama’s, or the Caribbean it’s still balmy and warm enough that if you wanted to go swimming, or relax on the beach and soak up some rays, then that’s something that you can easily do. In fact, the waters are pretty warm during the day, without being TOO balmy.
Warm Coat/Jacket
Contrary to the above, I know but bear with me. The days at Etretat are warm and full of sunshine, but the nights can get a little bit chilly – especially during the cooler seasons. It’s not unusual for the weather to go from bright, warm – or even hot – during the day, to chilly and downright freezing at night. So always make sure you have some protection from the nights in your travel bag.
Trust me; no matter what time of year you go to Etretat, sunscreen is your best friend. Because unlike some other parts of Europe (such as England) the sun is no stranger to France and is always bright, even on gloomy winter evenings it’s advised to wear some kind of protection (though you’ll usually be layered up). Sunscreen is especially important if you want to go and hit the beach and relax on the sandy shoreline.
For the same reason as the sunscreen above.
Walking Shoes
While you’re at Etretat, you’ll find that there’s quite a lot to DO there that’s more than just swimming in the ocean and soaking up some of the sun’s rays on the beach front. There’s museums, churches, restaurants, street fair, parks, cliffs, nature reservations, and even a bit of a nightlife in Etretat that you can enjoy. A lot of places that require some form of comfort when walking, since you can’t just go everywhere in flip-flops.
A Camera
This one is a big no brainer. Everywhere in Etretat is just wonderful to look at. The Beach, the Town, the cliffs, the sky, the water, everywhere. There’s hardly any area that isn’t touched by natural beauty, and with a camera, you’ll want to capture all that you see as best you can to preserve those memories. Be sure to bring backup batteries, back up storage, and a way to save all those pictures – Whether on your phone, dedicated camera, or more traditional photo taking tool! Trust me; Etretat is one area of the world that brings out the natural photographer in every tourist.
Your Stomach
There’s a reason that France is known for its food, and Etretat is no different. French cuisine is often thought of as one of the most extravagant, delicious food the world over, and French chefs constantly work to one-up themselves when showcasing delicious food to tourists. One of the best things about Etretat is the food that you’ll eat; from warm oven baked bread, to aged cheeses, to year old wines and champagne, to dishes cooked, broiled, and baked to perfection. Just know that when you go to Etretat for the scenery and beach, you’ll also be taking in plenty of the local food as well.
As you can see, there are plenty of things to do at Etretat. The best part is, that’s just a handful of locales picked out for being excellent for tourists to visit. There’s actually quite a dozen other places to go both in, and outside of the town itself. More museums, more gardens, more churches, and more places to hike and see the wonderful countryside. Taking the trip out there as you leave from Paris is often great enough on its own, but when coupled with visiting Etretat, it creates an unforgettable memory for any traveler.
So if all of this sounds intriguing, grab your travel bag and make plans as soon as you can. You won’t regret it.